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sharing a secret中文是什么意思

用"sharing a secret"造句"sharing a secret"怎么读"sharing a secret" in a sentence


  • 告 诉 你 一 个 秘 密


  • I feel that it is time to share a secret
  • However , because the sender and recipient no longer need to share a secret key , you can identify the creator of a message , that is , it is guaranteed that the signer is the creator
  • Yet i would share a secret about the oriental culture , namely the eastern nations are by nature inordinate to compulsion instead of gentility , and that the more the pressure , the greater the reactive force would be
  • A hash - based message authentication code hmac can be used to determine whether a message sent over an insecure channel has been tampered with , provided that the sender and receiver share a secret key
    在发送方和接收方共享机密密钥的前提下,基于哈希的消息验证代码( hmac )可用于确定通过不安全信道发送的消息是否已被篡改。
用"sharing a secret"造句  
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